Soil preparation to enhance seeds germination and roots formation with Magnistart NP Zn
To enhance seeds germination of cereals, soybean, sunflower, oilseed rape, potato, sugarbeet, sugarcane, industrial tomato, cotton
Optimizing the fertilization unit and made it available in the first stage of plant growth is a foundamental phase to ensure a high yield of good quality. This method of fertilisation allows to fertilise crops which usually have a low input of fertilisers, due to the particularity of their market. Biolchim provides a complete fertilisation plan to have the best results possible and to maximize the efforts of farmers.
To have a uniform and vigorous emergence and improve root formation we must provide all the nutrients, to reach this goal, Biolchim propose the best product available: MAGNISTART NP Zn.

MAGNISTART NP Zn is a microgranular fertilizer with a starter effect that, thanks to the balanced ratio of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Zinc, accelerates the root formation of seedlings. This starter effect lead to more vigorous plant that can stand a high production. The peculiar formulation of MAGNISTART NP Zn makes it ideal for application on the row. Is highly recommended in crops with high Zinc demand (eg.: mais).
Time of application and dosage:
Localized at sowing | 30-45 kg/ha |