Technical insights

Only by overcoming obstacles and setting goals it is possible to get the most out of the plants. Identify what is that limits your crops and find the best solution.


PHYLEN® Fertilizers: The Line for Perfect Foliar Nutrition in Extensive Crops

Agriculture is constantly seeking innovative solutions to improve crop productivity, overcome environmental challenges, and keep costs under control.To meet this need, Biolchim has developed a range of liquid foliar fertilizers that address the specific nutritional requirements of certain extensive crops.

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Hollow Heart: 4 Best Practices for Prevention

Hollow heart is a physiological disorder that affects various horticultural crops, particularly brassicas, solanaceae, and cucurbits. Characterized by the formation of cavities or necrosis in plant tissues, this issue can severely compromise both quality and yield

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Boost vegetative growth and overcome environmental stress with Fylloton

Unfavourable metabolic conditions, bad weather or the application of plant protection products can slow down vegetative growth. FYLLOTON helps them to save energy and to speed-up metabolic activity, stimulating vegetative development, avoiding growth arrests and reactivating rapidly vegetative growth after a stressful event.

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