Corrector of sodic, saline, and unstructured soils
- Increases soil acidity improving availability ad uptake of phosphorus and micronutrients
- Allows cultivation with soils and waters high in sodium
Gluconic acid, Poly-hydroxycarbossilic acids, Calcium, Magnesium.
The product can be mixed with all common formulations, except with products based on Sulphur and with fertigation fertilisers incompatible with Calcium. A simple mixture test to check compatibility is advisable.
5–20 L
Mode of action
- Calcium and Magnesium: they replace the Sodium retained on the clay colloids so that it can be leached away from the rhizosphere. They allow to maintain the balance between Calcium and Magnesium in the soil.
- Gluconic acid and Poly-hydroxycarbossilic acids: they attack carbonates and facilitate Calcium release in the soil. They promote the growth of plants and beneficial soil microorganisms.
Pursuant to art. 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP), before concluding the purchase contract it is required to read the risks associated with the product.