Biostimulant of plant growth and fruit enlargement
  • Improves root growth and nutrient uptake
  • Promotes a balanced plant growth
  • Increases fruit size and uniformity
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Plant extracts, Organic acids, Vitamins, chelated Micronutrients.




The product can be mixed with all common formulations; avoid concentrated blends with acid reaction products. A simple mixture test to check compatibility is advisable.


5–20–200–1000 L

Mode of action

NOV@® contains plant extracts rich in phytosaponins (natural adjuvants which carry molecules directly into the root tissues), polysaccharides and glycine betaine.

The combination of organic acids, phytosaponins and glycine betaine results in a ROOTING FACTOR, which improves root formation and development, nutrient uptake and soil structure. Polysaccharides, vitamins and chelated micronutrients complete the action of the Rooting Factor by enhancing primary metabolism and optimizing hormonal balance.

The effect of NOV@® on root growth and functionality leads to rapid and balanced vegetative growth (larger leaf surface, thicker stems shorter internodes) and to increased fruit size and uniformity.

Pursuant to art. 48 of EC Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP), before concluding the purchase contract it is required to read the risks associated with the product.

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