Organic agriculture: CCPB certifies 11 Biolchim fertilizers
Con le soluzioni Biolchim certificate CCPB, sicure ed efficaci, gli agricoltori possono offrire ai consumatori un prodotto ortofrutticolo di qualità, nel totale rispetto della salute e della natura.

With CCPB certified Biolchim solutions, farmers can offer consumers quality fruit and vegetable products, respectful of health and nature.
Today’s growers challenge is to produce high quality food, minimizing environmental impact and safeguarding human health. Organic growers need to achieve the highest quality and yield with reduced agronomical inputs.
Biolchim has always believed in their success. This is why the Italian company requested and obtained CCPB certification for 11 nutritional specialties.

CCPB is a certification and control body for agri-food and no food products. CCPB certifies organic and eco-friendly sustainable products all over the world in accordance with the rules that define the organic method. CCPB is recognized by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies to operate as a control and certification body throughout Europe.
Outside the EU, CCPB is recognized as an equivalent certification body in 39 countries (Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Benin, China, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Ethiopia, Georgia, Ghana, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Mali, Republic of Moldova, Morocco, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, South Africa, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam).

Biolchim is actively engaged in research and has always been sensitive to environmental issues, providing solutions with a high rate of innovation and sustainability. Biolchim nutritional specialties are formulated from selected organic raw materials and plant extracts that, due to their natural origin and processing methods, can be applied both in conventional and organic farming.
The CCPB certification obtained for FOLICIST, FYLLOTON, NOV@, CREMALGA, KELIRON TOP, MIXOKEM, PROTAMIN Cu 62, FERROCUR, FOLIFOL, KENT and PLANTCREAM further attests their safety and environmental sustainability. By applying these certified biostimulants and fertilizers, producers can reach the most ambitious agronomic goals in any crop and soil and climate context worldwide.
Setting up a winning and sustainable nutritional strategy in organic farming is easy with Biolchim solutions. Here is some of the goals that farmers can achieve.

Stimulate root development and increase fruit size?
With NOV@, a radical biostimulant for root and fruit growth, it is possible to promote balanced vegetative-productive growth, increasing harvests.

Accelerate vegetative growth, increase protein content?
The solution is FYLLOTON: biopromoter of vegetative growth based on vegetable amino acids.

Uniform bud breaking, favour flowering and fruit setting?
With FOLICIST, one of the most innovative biostimulants, it is possible to favour the optimal vegetative awakening of the crops, synchronize flowering and stimulate fruit setting.