From Australia to Italy: a network of agronomic successes
Listen, study in depth and share. In an agricultural sector that presents new challenges every day, the farmers and all the players in the supply chain success is built by sharing objectives and experiences.

In order to find together the best solutions to agronomic problems, during the week from 13th to 17th May, Biolchim had the pleasure of hosting some australian customers, accompanied by the technical representative for Australia and New Zealand Julian Memoli. Precisely, the Biolchim staff welcomed the owners of the Swan Hill Chemicals company (based in Swan Hill and offices / warehouses also in Mildura and Robinvale in the Victoria region), and two agronomist technicians from the Yenda Producers cooperative (based in Yenda and branches in Leeton and Griffith, in the region of New South Wales).
Competence and concreteness were the guiding threads of the entire visit. After presented the Research and Development activities and illustrated the innovations in process technologies to our hosts, the australian guests were guided in the visit to the production facilities, to the laboratories and R&D facilities (growth chambers, greenhouses) present in Biolchim, and in the other Group companies: Cifo and Ilsa. All this to lead at the end to visit the countryside, where is that the fruits of Biolchim‘s research, experimentation and innovation offer a reliable and safe answer to the agronomic problems of farmers.
The technical field visits took place in Emilia-Romagna and in Sicily, thus offering an overview of two areas with different pedoclimatic characteristics. In the Northern Italy region, a horticultural company specializing in the cultivation of tomato out of soil, another specialized in open field vegetables and a fruit farm with plums, wine grapes, kiwi and apple trees were visited.
In Sicily, accompanied by Dr. Giuseppe Campanella, Biolchim’s representative of the area, we visited important citrus and horticultural companies present between the province of Catania and that of Syracuse. Among the horticultural companies, our visit at the fields of a company specializing in the production of potatoes with selenium and iodine was particularly interesting.
The meeting with the president of Confagricoltura Catania and with the president of the Consorzio Arancia Rossa di Sicilia PGI are also worthy of note, with whom the complex issues concerning the markets and distribution channels (Italy and abroad) of Sicilian oranges were also discussed.


During field visits we discussed with the farmers about technologies and productive means, with particular reference to the Biolchim specialties, such as FOLICIST, FYLLOTON, SUNRED, KRISS and NOV@. Thanks to these latest-generation solutions, suitably integrated into specific nutrition strategies, fruit and vegetable producers can achieve the best vegetative-productive development of crops and reach the highest standards in terms of yield and production quality.
The visit represented an important opportunity to meet and exchange knowledge in the name of mutual growth, not only from a professional point of view.
The great interest shown by australian visitors in the strategies adopted in Italy, suggests a further growth and consolidation of the Biolchim’s proposal on the australian market.